Whitetail Xtreme has an excellent turkey population, with little hunting pressure to ensure quality hunting for years to come. We offer a limited number of bookings to help manage for higher quality birds for years to come.
Our guided hunts are typically 100% successful, with our unguided hunts running close behind. We also offer archery hunts for spring turkey. We have taken 5 birds in the last few years with 1 ¾” or bigger spurs, some of the most impressive spurs for Eastern turkeys in the nation. Our average bird is 23 lbs, with birds every year in the 25-29 lb range. It is not uncommon to take a bird on our land with 1 ¼+ inch spurs and every year we take birds with 1 ½” spurs and up. We also have taken several multiple bearded birds over the years which make for an awesome trophy.